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The Process

During the elaboration process, only the best agave plants from Santiago Matatlan are selected then baked in a conical oven lined with river stones. The grinding is realized in a Chilean style mill, while fermentation takes place in wooden barrels with copper wiring for double distillation. This carefully crafted process is what assures Mezcal Artesanal El Samaritano as a unique drink for the most demanding palates.  



Durante el proceso de elaboración se seleccionan las mejores plantas de maguey de Santiago Matatlán que son cocidas en un horno cónico revestido con piedras de río; la molienda se realiza con molino estilo chileno, mientras la fermentación en tinas de madera; y alambique de cobre para una doble destilación. Este cuidadoso proceso es el que garantiza que Mezcal Artesanal El Samaritano sea una bebida única y para paladares exigentes.


The best agave plants are found in Oaxaca. Once the agave is ready, the spines are cut off, leaving only the heart, known as the Piña.



Roasting of the piñas takes place in a conical oven lined with river stones. Mesquite wood is used to create a fire under the stones. When the stones are red-hot, the piñas are placed in the pit. After it is covered with bagasse, straw mats, it's then piled with dirt and left to roast for four days.


The roasted agave is then crushed in a special grinding mill with a stone wheel pulled by a horse known as a Tahona. While, the horse pulls the wheel, a person uses a pitchfork to move the agave.


After the agave is crushed, it is placed in wooden barrels to ferment for four to eight days.


The distillation process takes place in a Copper Alembic Still and goes through double distillation, some mezcal three.

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